When is comes to SEO blogging is essential. There are various reasons as to why you should be blogging on your website, for instance, building trust among your buyers, positioning yourself as an expert, and simply sharing news with your company’s followers.
In terms of SEO blogging will ensure that your SEO will be boosted up in the rankings.
Fresh Content
Google love fresh and unique content. Do you change the content and pages of your website regularly? Probably not. That’s why you must keep a steady blog filled with new, useful and insightful information every week. Those search engines customers use to find companies just like yours will pull the freshest and most relevant content whenever a search is performed, this in turn looks good for your website as it is termed as being a used website. If your site hasn’t been updated with new information in over 6 months it is likely someone else’s website will rank higher than yours in the results.
Through blogging you are building up relationships with your audience, as well as this you are positing yourself as an expert in this topic and you are also provide new content for Google’s index, which in terms of SEO is very important.
To ensure that your blog makes a big impact within Googles index it is important that the keywords you include in your blog are actually important and serve a purpose. Nowadays, you cannot just simply write content repeatedly you have to be specific.
You really want to make sure you choose unique keywords that will lead searchers to your site but not so unique that no one thinks to use them. If you choose words that are used too often, you won’t get much benefit out of them.
What should you be writing?
You should try to use long-tail keywords and phrases that people may be using when searching for a service or website similar to yours. Focus on answering questions. Provide knowledge for those who reach your site. They don’t need a million keywords; they want answers to their enquires.
Needless to say your blog post should contain images and videos. Including media in your blog gives you one more way search engines can find you.
When it comes to being beneficial for your SEO, you need to ensure these media files have alt text on them. Alt text describes what the image, for example, is.
Social Media
If you connect your blog to your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media accounts, you give search engines one more thing to find when people look for your company/business. As long as you use search terms in your titles and meta descriptions, you’ll boost your SEO through social media listings, too.
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